“[There are] a lot of different conceptions of the ocean, 世界各地都出现了许多令人兴奋和创造性的解决方案.”

“参观社区卫生保健中心和非政府组织是一种美妙的新体验. 我能够与社区卫生工作者交谈,他们作为社区值得信赖的成员提供适当和公平的护理.”

“By living in vegan communities and exploring their foodscapes, 我希望了解跨文化素食主义者的生活经历,并找到使素食主义适应各种文化背景和习俗的方法.”

“我是听公共广播长大的,我一直很喜欢听故事, 所以我期待着学习讲故事和新闻在另一个大陆是如何运作的.”


Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

支持在苏格兰一所大学学习一年的任何学科. 符合条件的是卫尔斯理的高年级学生,他们是有苏格兰血统和经济需要的美国公民. Campus application deadline typically in November.

Michel David-Weill Scholarship (seniors)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

支持巴黎政治学院(巴黎政治学院)任何领域的两年制硕士学位。, but Economics is especially encouraged. 符合条件的是韦尔斯利大学即将毕业的大四学生,并且是美国公民. Campus application deadline typically in November.

Boren Awards (students)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

支持在对美国利益至关重要的世界地区学习不太常用的语言, and underrepresented in study abroad. Study abroad programs of a year are preferred, 但是春季加夏季是一个不错的选择,对于科学专业的学生来说,暑期课程是可以考虑的, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Eligible for the Scholarship are Wellesley first years, sophomores, and juniors who are US citizens, and Wellesley seniors who are also applying for U.S.-based graduate programs might apply for the Fellowship. Campus application deadline typically in January.

韦尔斯利的学生应该向学校的学生咨询合适的留学项目 Office of International Study, 尽管奖学金办公室很乐意为博仁奖学金申请提供建议.

“为了改变法律和政策,我们需要有数据支持. 我们需要能够证明,网上的错误信息与民主的侵蚀之间存在因果关系.”

“Throughout my four years at Wellesley, 我认识到,深入了解中国在全球问题上的作用,对促进全球合作至关重要.”

Chinese Government Scholarship (seniors and graduates)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

中国政府设立了多种奖学金项目资助留学生, teachers, and scholars to study and do research at Chinese universities. 卫尔斯理可以提名即将毕业的大四学生和毕业生获得这些奖项. Campus application deadline typically in early in the new year.

Fellowships and Scholarships for Graduate Study

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

有比你想象的更多的奖学金和奖学金来资助研究生或专业学习. 在你的搜索和申请中保持创造性和坚持不懈是很有帮助的. 这项研究将给你一些奖学金的概述, and tips for searching for opportunities.

    香港崇基学院韦尔斯利-燕京奖学金(大四学生 & graduates)

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    韦尔斯利燕京项目与香港崇基学院合作,赞助在崇基教授或协助教授英语的奖学金. 这个为期一年的奖学金通常每年提供给皇冠体育的大四学生或研究生,可以选择延长第二年.  候选人首先在皇冠体育接受委员会的面试, 然后将其提名者的证书寄给崇基学院进行最终审核.

    Apply in spring semester 2024 for the 2024-25 Fellowship.

    Introduction to Fellowships for Graduates

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    奖学金和奖学金可以资助研究生或专业学习, purposeful travel, professional placements, self-designed projects, and so much more. They can help you build your experience and qualifications, help you explore a passion, and clarify a path forward. What would you do with a fellowship?

    Yenching Academy Scholarship at Peking University (seniors & graduates)

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    北京大学燕京书院通过跨学科的中国研究硕士项目,为来自世界各地的优秀毕业生搭建中国与世界之间的桥梁. 这一计划将有希望在各自领域发挥领导和创新作用的年轻人聚集在一起,在密集的学习环境中,他们可以探索中国及其在世界上过去的作用, present, and future. 学院旨在培养对中国及其在世界上的角色有细致理解的新一代全球公民.


    Elisabeth Luce Moore获得南京金陵学院卫尔斯理-燕京奖学金(大四学生) & graduates)

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    韦尔斯利-燕京项目每年与金陵学院合作赞助两个英语教学奖学金, part of Nanjing Normal University in Nanjing, China. 皇冠体育的大四学生或毕业生有资格申请这个为期一年的奖学金,可以延长到第二年. The Wellesley-Yenching Committee interviews applicants, 然后将一到两名被提名者的证书寄给金陵学院进行最终审核.

    A Brief Introduction to Fellowships and Scholarships

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    Fellowships and scholarships offer funding to support a range of purposeful activities, including undergraduate research, language study/other study abroad, self-designed projects, teaching and service, graduate or professional study, or even internships and professional placements. 他们可以为你打开通往你可能无法追求的东西的大门.

    每个国家的学生和毕业生在他们职业生涯的每个阶段都有机会. What might be the right fit for you?

    伊丽莎白·露丝·摩尔24年台北故宫博物院奖学金(老年人) & graduates)

    Kate Dailinger
    Kate Dailinger

    This one-year, full-time position is available to Wellesley College graduates, 这要归功于学院与故宫博物院的长期合作. 每位研究员的职责和工作描述将被确定, to some extent, 根据博物馆目前的人员需求以及研究员的个人背景, interests and skills.